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Dairy Funding Accelerator Program

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An Opportunity for Dairy Farmers throughout the Northeast to Expand their Operations through Access to Capital


The HVADC Dairy Funding Accelerator Program (DFA) is a specialized Business Technical Assistance (BTA) training program for small-herd (100 or fewer) dairy farmers in New York, western Connecticut, western Massachusetts, southern Vermont, eastern New Jersey, and eastern Pennsylvania. The 20 month intensive training curriculum will combine virtual and in-person sessions, as well as group and personalized BTA training to help each participant meet their individualized business needs and to prepare to apply for grants provided by the Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center (NE-DBIC). Session will begin in January 2024.


Five dairy farmers (cow, sheep, goat) will be accepted. Herds may be cows, goats or sheep, with special consideration being given to those working with small ruminants.


Eligible Applicants:

  • Must be established business looking to expand production and having their farm and the majority of their labor force in one of the designated states.

  • They must be able to make a commitment to the time and resources required of the training program

  • Be able to commit the same to future DFA participants as a peer or mentor


Topics covered are based upon participant expressed need/interest, and would include:

  • Business plan development

  • Financial planning

  • Business coaching

  • Workforce management

  • Marketing

  • Management structures

  • Succession planning


Training will commence in February 2024, and conclude in May 2025. There is no fee for this program.


Application Materials:  (No longer accepting applications program full)

Dairy Funding Accelerator Application 


To apply, complete the Diary Funding Accelerator Application linked above.  Upload application via the secure form to the left safely, if you have any questions email Duane Stanton


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Hudson Valley AgriBusiness
Development Corporation

507 Warren St., 2nd Floor

Hudson, NY 12534

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© 2024 by Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation

HVADC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. HVADC is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.

To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,

1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TTD).

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