Cultivadores 2022
Dec 15, 2022
HVADC Program: FeedHV Partnership with Scenic Hudson Prioritizes Equity
The HVADC Cultivator
HVADC Program:
FeedHV Partnership with Scenic Hudson Prioritizes Equity
When HVADC received a phone call from its generous partners at Scenic Hudson to build on three previous collaborations—which, to that point, had provided 80,750 pounds of food to food assistance programs, HVADC was eager to support the effort through its FeedHV program.
Nov 15, 2022
HVADC CDFI Advisory Group: John Gilstrap
As the Founder of Awaken.Space and Ravenscourt Partners, among other titles, John Gilstrap has been an ally of HVADC for a decade on a number of projects going back to his time working as an Executive Vice President for the New York State Economic Development Corporation (EDC).
Oct 31, 2022
HVADC Participation: 2022 NASDA Annual Meeting
In late September the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) held its 2022 NASDA Annual Meeting in Saratoga Springs - hosted by the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, with Commissioner Richard Ball presiding as this year’s NASDA president.