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New York State Announces Funding to Assist Farms with Food Safety Implementation Planning

Jan 31, 2018

In 2011, governor Cuomo established a new approach to economic development for New York State that included the creation of 10 regional economic development councils (REDCs) and the consolidated funding application process (CFA).

In 2011, governor Cuomo established a new approach to economic development for New York State that included the creation of 10 regional economic development councils (REDCs) and the consolidated funding application process (CFA). The councils were charged with developing long term strategic economic development plans for the region creating a community based, bottom-up approach to target state investment and resources.

In the most recent round of CFA’s, the state included the New York State Grown & Certified Agricultural Producers’ Grant Program. The program is designed to “assist agricultural producers in the state in meeting food safety standards required to participate in the New York State Grown & Certified program (G&C). G&C is the first statewide, multi-faceted food certification program designed to strengthen consumer confidence in New York products, address food product labeling, and assist New York farmers so they can take advantage of the growing market demand for foods locally grown and produced to a higher standard. HVADC Executive Director Todd Erling, sits on the Branding and Marketing Workgroup of the Governor’s Safe and Healthy Foods Advisory Committee, which provides input and guidance to New York State Grown & Certified.


The grant program will make regional awards of up to $500,000 per region to a single entity that will serve as a program administrator. The awarded program administrators will make the grant funding available to eligible New York State agricultural producers in their region. Agricultural producers receiving funding will be required to participate in the New York State Grown & Certified Program.

HVADC is pleased to congratulate our colleagues, GrowNYC, the Hudson Mohawk Resource Conservation & Development Council (HMRCD) and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Dutchess County, who will serve as administrators of the G&C program in the Hudson Valley. HVADC is partnering directly with the HMRCD to create a one-stop-shop for farmers interested in pursuing certification through the G&C process. HMRCD, whose territory will cover the Capital District REDC, will help farmers apply for state funds for capital improvements related to food safety, identify sources of financing, and provide access to technical assistance.

In the New York City REDC, GrowNYC will create, promote, and administer the G&C grant program for Greenmarket and NYC urban farmers to meet food safety and environmental standards necessary for participation in the New York State Grown & Certified program.

“The Cuomo administration’s Grown & Certified program is just one more way that the Governor is making New York farmers his priority, and GrowNYC’s FARMroots program is extremely pleased to be helping the Department of Agriculture with its efforts to connect New York farmers to downstate markets,” said FARMroots director Chris Wayne. “Recruiting farmers to participate in this exciting program will open new wholesale markets downstate for our farmers through Greenmarket farmers markets, Greenmarket Co. (our wholesale distribution program), and the Greenmarket Regional Grains Project.”

For the seven county Mid-Hudson region, Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County will create marketing materials for distribution via websites and social media to raise awareness and provide funding to producers for participation in the New York State Grown & Certified Agricultural Producer's Grant program.

“We look forward to working with each of these organizations to make sure the State’s investment in the Certified & Grown program is swiftly delivered to the farmers in our footprint. HVADC has the resources and capacity to support our farms as they apply for these funds” stated Todd Erling, Executive Director of HVADC.

For farms within the seven county HVADC footprint seeking assistance with the C&G program are encouraged to contact HVADC staff at 518-432-5360 or to learn more about how we can help.

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