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Duane Stanton

Business Services Coordinator

Originally from the heavily industrialized suburbs of Philadelphia, Duane grew up far removed from where his food was produced. Still, he was able to cultivate a love for food and the planet through shared experiences with family members in the kitchen. 


In 2021, Duane traveled across the country exploring over 20 national parks. While on this journey, he was introduced to a range of agricultural production methods, which catalyzed his obsession with sustainable agriculture. After returning to the northeast, he began to research sustainable methods of food production and community distribution, an interest which soon brought him to HVADC as Business Services Coordinator. 


At HVADC, Duane focuses on the Incubator Without Walls program, providing business technical assistance to the farms and agribusinesses that support Hudson Valley communities. He is a graduate of the Silbermann College of Business at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

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T: 518.432.5360

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Agroindustria del valle de Hudson
Corporación de Desarrollo

507 Warren St., segundo piso

Hudson, Nueva York 12534

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© 2023 por la Corporación de Desarrollo de Agronegocios de Hudson Valley

HVADC es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3). HVADC es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

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