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Linnette Diaz

Program Associate

Linnette Diaz is self-made social media business consultant who demonstrates a self-motivated adaptability. Diaz grew up in Stratford Connecticut, where she loves to go back to visit. She received her degree in psychology from the College of New Rochelle. She worked with youth and as an ABA therapist for children with autism, before staring a successful freelance career as a virtual assistant, social media and influence manager based out of Catskill. Diaz moved to Catskill during the pandemic and as things have opened up she has been excited to get to know the town and explore the Hudson Valley.  

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T: 518.432.5360

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Agroindustria del valle de Hudson
Corporación de Desarrollo

507 Warren St., segundo piso

Hudson, Nueva York 12534

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© 2023 por la Corporación de Desarrollo de Agronegocios de Hudson Valley

HVADC es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3). HVADC es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

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