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Mark Doyle

General Manager, Fishkill Farms

Motivated by the sense of fulfillment from working in agriculture Mr. Doyle is currently General Manager for Fishkill Farms, a diverse, family-owned, Pick-Your-Own fruit and vegetable farm in Dutchess County. There, as part of a three-person management team, he has developed and managed over 100 employees, cultivated multiple sales avenues (including an expanded farm store); planned, constructed and implemented major projects among numerous other projects. 

Previously, Mr. Doyle providing consulting services for farm enterprises as well as serving as farm manager for two farms in Dutchess County and working ten years on a 3000 head sheep farm in Cape, South Africa. Mr. Doyle currently resides in Amenia, New York. 

Mark joined the HVADC Board in December of 2008 and has served as Board President since 2018.

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Agroindustria del valle de Hudson
Corporación de Desarrollo

507 Warren St., segundo piso

Hudson, Nueva York 12534

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© 2023 por la Corporación de Desarrollo de Agronegocios de Hudson Valley

HVADC es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3). HVADC es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

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