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Farmer Landowner Matching

Sep 30, 2017

Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation's (HVADC) focus is on the viability of the agricultural economy in the region and we provide a wide variety of assistance to those businesses and individuals working in the industry.

Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation's (HVADC) focus is on the viability of the agricultural economy in the region and we provide a wide variety of assistance to those businesses and individuals working in the industry. Many of our clients are beginning farmers who face the enormous challenge of find a location to farm. Fortunately, in the Hudson Valley, we work with is a supportive group of agencies and non-profits that have taken on this challenge and have created an on-line tool that we can refer our clients to help solve the problem of access to land.


The state of farming has changed and is ever evolving. Beginning farmers are no longer inheriting land from family farms and many lack the funding to purchase farmland themselves. In some instances, family farmers are finding they have high costs or even no one to pass the land on to. This is why the farmer – landowner matching programs have been created.


Farmer landowner matching helps in numerous ways. Some of the possible benefits for the landowner, for example, are lower taxes due to the Agricultural Property Tax Assessment, free or lower cost of upkeep to your land and rental income. For the farmer benefits may include lower capital investments for start-up and operating expenses and importantly affordable land to begin the operation.


Here in the Hudson Valley one resource we have is the Hudson Valley Farmlink Network. Coordinated by American Farmland Trust (AFT), the Hudson Valley Farmlink Network is a partnership of 15 organizations that serves 13 counties, Albany, Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rensselaer, Rockland, Saratoga, Sullivan, Ulster, Washington and Westchester. In addition to hosting the website, this effort also provides training and networking events, and one-on-one assistance for farmers and landowners.


But what happens when the beginning farmer finds a location? HVADC can also help with land lease development and negotiation, business planning, marketing plan, bookkeeping and other areas of being an entrepreneur as needed.


For more information on Match programs in your area please visit the links below:


American Farmland Trust


Hudson Valley Farmlink Network

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507 Warren St., 2nd Floor

Hudson, NY 12534

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