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The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets is the department of the New York state government that enforces laws relating to agriculture, weights and measures, and the production, processing, transportation, storage, marketing and distributing of food.

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Safely submit your completed application and attachments below: (Please submit each attachment seperately)    


Please contact us if you have any questions. Send your completed application and attachments below:

Deadline: At the current time all funds have been allocated
12/4/23 Update:



Administered by the Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation, Funding Supports the Growth of New York State’s Meat Industry and Supports the State’s Work to Strengthen New York’s Food System


Awarded Projects Will Help Businesses Expand Their New Processing Capacity by Over 4.8 Million Pounds Annually


The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets and the Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation (HVADC) today announced that HVADC has awarded $4.25 million to 26 projects in 19 counties across the state through the Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program. HVADC is administering this state program, which helps processors to expand existing or establish new meat processing facilities. The projects awarded today will help the businesses expand their new processing capacity by over 4.8 million pounds annually. The Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program was sponsored by Senator Michelle Hinchey to increase capacity of New York’s processing facilities and support agribusinesses.


State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball said, “The Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program is a key component of the Department’s work to ensure that New York has a resilient, local food supply chain, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to a great partnership with HVADC, and with the support of Senator Hinchey, we are proud to see this program move forward and award some exciting projects. This funding will help to grow businesses across the state, support our farmers and producers, and ultimately increase New Yorkers’ access to high quality, locally sourced meat.”


HVADC Executive Director Todd Erling said, “This grant program is so important to all the efforts that are being made to create a resilient food system across the state. It is filling a need that has been growing over the past few years to have more processors available in critical locations from south to north, and HVADC is pleased to be able to extend our impact throughout New York by administering it for Agriculture and Markets. It is a testament of the need that we received 39 applications, requesting over $7 million from throughout the state.”


Senator Michelle Hinchey said, "In my conversations with meat farmers from across New York State, it became clear that the shortage and limited capacity of processing facilities have led to significant supply chain challenges, and in response, I pledged to help. We fought for and secured the first-ever funding to create the Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program, which will lead to new business growth for farmers while lowering costs and providing greater access to fresh, locally sourced food for New York families. I’d like to congratulate all of our meat farmers and processors who took advantage of this opportunity and thank both Ag & Markets and the Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation for their continued partnership in making this segment of our food supply chain more resilient."


Assemblymember Donna Lupardo said, “For years, we have heard about the lack of adequate meat processing capacity in NYS, causing some farmers to process out of state. This grant program is a commitment to the farmers and processors who are behind NY’s meat industry and to the consumers who want to buy and support local food. I’d like to thank Senator Hinchey for her leadership and partnership on this issue, and to the Governor and Ag & Markets for their support for NY’s meat supply chain.”


The program awarded 26 projects in total, prioritizing grants for 19 businesses that currently operate with USDA inspection status and that presented plans to expand their operations. Additionally, three processors with existing facilities seeking to move to USDA-inspected status were funded. Four start-up processors, which are planning USDA-inspected status at the conclusion of the project, were also included in this round of funding. The $4.25 million in total grants contribute to total cumulative project costs of almost $9.5 million statewide. The projects awarded today will help the businesses expand their new processing capacity by over 4.8 million pounds annually, of which over 3.6 million pounds will be from New York farms.


The Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program helps to fund projects that support the expansion of existing USDA-inspected meat processing facilities and the establishment of new USDA inspected meat processing facilities in the state. By expanding meat processing capacity in New York, this program addresses the nationwide shortage of affordable meat available to consumers, including the availability of protein sources for schools and institutional facilities in the state. The grant program makes it easier for beef, pork, lamb, goat, poultry, and seafood farmers to process their products and get affordable, local meat into a variety of markets, strengthening New York’s food supply chain and rural economies.


“For those who did not have the opportunity to apply, or were not awarded, there are other resources available for meat processors, such as the USDA Rural Development’s Meat and Poultry Processing Expansion Program, which is still open. We are available to help guide anyone who is interested in learning more about those sources to the appropriate organizations,” said Erling.

New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program
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What does this program do?


The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Grant program helps to fund projects to support the expansion/retention of existing USDA meat processing facilities and the establishment of new USDA meat processing facilities in the state to increase the capacity of NYS sourced meat. This program will address the nationwide shortage of affordable meat available to consumers, including the availability of protein sources for schools and institutional facilities in the state.


Eligibility requirements:


To be eligible for the Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program, applicants must:

  • Be a legally recognized business entity organization in New York State in good standing.

  • Be involved in the processing of meat products.

  • Have current USDA inspection or are seeking inspection.

  • Have a detailed project plan or proposal that outlines the expansion/retention or establishment of a USDA inspected meat processing facility in New York State.

  • Demonstrate how the proposed project will increase the capacity of New York State sourced meat.​


How may funds be used?


Grant funds may be used for acquisition of machinery and/or equipment, installation or renovation/leasehold improvements of an existing building, or the acquisition of fixtures.


Funding available for projects:


The Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program is available for capital projects that can range from $50,000 to $250,000 on a reimbursement basis. For grants of less than $100,000, a 10% recipient match is required. For grants of $100,000 to $250,000, a 20% recipient match is required.


Application process: 

Applications Closed​


To apply for the Meat Processing Expansion Grant Program, applicants must have a detailed project plan and project proposal that outlines the expansion/retention or establishment of a USDA meat processing facility in New York State. The proposal must include a detailed budget and timeline for the project. All applications must be received by the deadline June 21st 5:00 PM. Funding will be awarded on a competitive basis. Funds will be available until state funds have been exhausted.


Application Materials: (Please read ALL documents carefully before submitting your application) Please submit all attachments separately.




Applications Closed

All required documents (application and budget form) must be received by HVADC no later than 5:00 p.m. (local time) on June 21, 2023, in order to be considered.  Electronic Submissions will be accepted through a secure portal to the left. Please submit each attachment separately.


Hard copies must be received by June 21, 2023 and may be mailed to:


Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation

507 Warren St, 2nd Fl

Hudson, NY 12534

Attn: MPEG


Who can answer questions?


If you have questions or need help crafting your grant application, reach out to Duane at HVADC for assistance


Who governs this program?


The program will be administered statewide by Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation (HVADC). HVADC has

considerable experience executing and administering programs of this type, including administration of grants for the NYS Grown & Certified program, and for other Federal and NYS funded programs.



NOTE: Because citations and other information may be subject to change, please always consult the program instructions. You may also contact HVADC for assistance. New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, and HVADC are equal opportunity providers, employers, and lenders.

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Hudson Valley AgriBusiness
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507 Warren St., 2nd Floor

Hudson, NY 12534

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© 2025 by Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation

HVADC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. HVADC is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.

To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,

1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TTD).

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