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Monkshood Nursery

HVADC was able to provide business planning and financial services as well as organizational and logistical assistance.

Monkshood Nursery is a small diversified vegetable farm in Columbia County that specializes in medicinal and culinary herbs and specialty salad greens. The farm experienced very severe effects from Hurricane Irene and required major rebuilding of their operation. HVADC was able to provide business planning and financial services as well as organizational and logistical assistance. Several consultants worked extensively with the farm in order to expand sales channels and increase profitability.

Over the course of several months, the farm was able to rebuild their CSA program and expand retail sales within the Hudson Valley. The farm now operates as a multi-faceted business with sales throughout the Hudson Valley, NYC and Capital Region.

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Hudson Valley AgriBusiness
Development Corporation

507 Warren St., 2nd Floor

Hudson, NY 12534

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© 2024 by Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation

HVADC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. HVADC is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.

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