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Murray’s Chicken, Fallsburg NY

As a processor, Murray’s Chicken is dedicated to the quality of the chicken they source from nearby farms, passionate about the care and treatment of the animals brought through their facility, and the stewardship of their natural surroundings. They have been providing USDA-inspected Halal and Kosher chickens to New York area supermarkets and restaurants throughout the Northeast since 1993 and have achieved Humane Farm Animal Care (HFC) certification.

When Murray’s was looking build a new, large, and even more humane and eco-friendly poultry barn, market conditions at the time made it very difficult for the producer to secure funding from traditional lenders. The company was struggling to find financing for the project through commercial lenders. But by putting together two pieces of financing, they were able to proceed with the plan. The HVADC Agribusiness Loan Fund provided Murray’s a loan for working capital and Sullivan County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) also made the processor a loan.

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HVADC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. HVADC is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.

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