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Can you answer Yes to any of the following questions:
  • Planning on farming for the foreseeable future?               

  • Thinking about making a major change within your business?

  • Looking for help to start up, transition or expand?

  • Operating an ag-related business that is part of the food system infrastructure?


Are you involved in any of the following industries?
  • Production Agriculture

  • Value-Added Food and Beverage Processors

  • Agriculture-Based Alternative Energy Ventures

  • Sustainable Forestry and Wood Products Industries

  • Ecotourism and Agritourism Sectors

  • Agriculture Research and Biotechnology

  • Other Food and Agriculture Industries


From analysis and start-up assistance for new ventures and enterprises, to market expansion and improved distribution networks for existing agricultural businesses, HVADC has to expertise and resources to help.

Key areas of support include:
  • Agricultural Development Support for Communities

  • Technical and Professional Assistance

  • Project Planning and Development Services

  • Funding and Capital Access

  • Feasibility Analysis


Want to learn more?

Visit our Incubator without Walls program page


Don’t see what you’re looking for?

Contact us and see how we can creatively work together to improve your business. HVADC strives to enhance the bottom line of farm businesses and strengthen the agricultural industry as a whole.  

Subscribe to The HVADC Cultivator

Receive monthly updates on our projects and partners


T: 518.432.5360

F: 888.317.5556



Hudson Valley AgriBusiness
Development Corporation

507 Warren St., 2nd Floor

Hudson, NY 12534

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© 2024 by Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation

HVADC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. HVADC is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.

To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,

1400 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TTD).

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